Jeffrey Lesser

In the News

Bloomberg Business Week, “Brazil Is Embracing the Migrant Crisis That Everyone Else Wants to Avoid”  October 18, 2023. 

Programa em História Social da Universidade de São Paulo, “Temporal: #2 A importância do SUS ” July 30, 2020.

Diálogos Mecila – Mecila Merian Centre (Berlin/São Paulo), “Ouvindo a pandemia (podcast),” July 20, 2020.

Diálogos – Universidade Mackenzie, “Sociedade em Tempos de Pandemia,” July 2, 2020.

Valor Econômico (Brazil), “Brasil está em processo de erosão, dizem brasilianistas,” June 12, 2020.

Veja (Brazil), “Livelihood Challenges of Migrants during Covid 19,” Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism Virtual Panel Discussion, June 2, 2020.

De Kanttekening (Netherlands), “Hoe El Salvador een president van Palestijnse komaf kreeg, die pro-Israël is,” May 25, 2020.

Al Jazeera, “Scores Killed in Brazil Prison Riot,” July 29, 2019.

Migration in Brazil: The Making of a Multicultural Society,” Migration Policy Institute, Information Source (2018).

Radio France International, “Historiador Jeffrey Lesser: “Decreto de Trump pode afugentar cérebros,” February 8, 2017.

CNN Opinion, “What Brazil’s Protests Mean,” August 17, 2015.

World Cup Blog, Duke University Press, “Brazilian Multiculturalism and the World Cup,” June 18, 2014.

The New York Times, “Immigrants Stir New Life into São Paulo’s Gritty Old Center,” April 14, 2014.

The Charlotte Observer, “Brazilian magnates luring Chiquita shareholders with hard cash,” August 12, 2014.

The World Today, Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, “How the Japanese came to Brazil,” June 5, 2014.

The Chautauquan Daily, “Lesser explores the flexible ethnic and religious identities inBrazil,” August 3, 2014.

The New York Times – Room for Debate, “Not Raising Bus Fares in Brazil Is a Good Start,” June 19, 2013.